Categories for Cleaning Services

How to Handle a Moldy Bath Mat

July 28, 2020

Any Washington resident can tell you that while there are numerous benefits to living in the Evergreen State, a lack of humidity isn’t one of them. Every year, day in and day out, moisture hangs in the air around us. The problem is particularly tough on your bathroom. When you... View Article

FDA Advises the Use of Regular Soap Over Antibacterial Alternatives

July 14, 2020

At the moment, the state of Washington and, indeed, the entire United States of America is caught in the midst of challenging circumstances. To date, more than 40,000 Washingtonians have been confirmed to have the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, and that number is on the rise. As a result, residents of... View Article

Tips for Safely Cleaning Your Produce and Groceries

June 17, 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have had questions about the extent to which they need to clean and sanitize their produce and other groceries when bringing them home from the store. Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of misconceptions that have been floating around, even before the pandemic struck, but... View Article

The Important Areas You Should Be Disinfecting in Your Home

May 14, 2020

For many of us, cleaning is a thing we do out of obligation, not out of enjoyment. Whether you’re cleaning for guests or because things got too gross to tolerate anymore, keeping a relatively clean home is important for your physical and mental health. In fact, there are some incredibly... View Article

Why Vacuuming Once Per Week Is Important

April 30, 2020

Vacuuming is one of those chores it’s all too easy to put off until the floors actually look dirty—and even then, you might wonder what the harm is in putting it off just one more day. It turns out that your surroundings can get pretty gross, and occasionally harmful to... View Article